The whole economy is dependent upon fossil fuel sources which are currently low and considered to be the cause of the ongoing climate change. | |
At International and European level, important initiatives have been undertaken, such as: | |
THE KYOTO PROTOCOL OF 1997.The protocol, whose validity is recognised internationally, indicates the policies and measures required for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by industrialised countries. Italy pledged to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 6.5%, as an average, for the period 2008-2012, compared to 1990, hitting the target with a reduction that was equal to 7% in that time scale |
THE CLIMATE PACKAGE - ENERGY 20-20-20 OF 2008Valid throughout Europe, this aims to reduce emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. All this 20%, by the increased use of renewable energy, bringing about the 20% energy saving. |
Consistent with national and international provisions, the Zignago Group, with its biomass and
solar power, has put in place facilities which meet its energy needs, in compliance with the
environmental policies